61 findings available

University failed to explain findings of probe into bullying allegations

A student complained to Queen’s University about bullying and harassment by other residents in her University accommodation.  We asked the University to apologise to the student for failures in the way it dealt with her complaint.

Investigation Report

Council criticised for delay over planning enforcement case

We asked Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to take a number of learning points from our investigation into the way it dealt with a complaint that a wind turbine breached planning control.

Investigation Report

Investigation into a complaint about the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

A man complained about the way the Housing Executive dealt with his concerns about episodes of Anti-Social Behaviour.  We upheld the complaint, finding that the Housing Executive did not manage the claims in line with its Anti-Social Behaviour manual.

Investigation Report

Patient recovering from stomach surgery had to wait 12 hours before receiving appropriate treatment

We found that a man recovering from a stomach operation was discharged too early from the ICU of Belfast City Hospital. We asked the Trust to apologise, and to review the treatment of a number of other patients who had returned to ICU following a similar operation.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman criticises Council’s record keeping over planning application for heat and power plant

Derry City and Strabane District Council has been criticised for not making contemporaneous records  over whether to carry out a Habitat Regulation Assessment during a planning case.

Investigation Report

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