Zivver secure email service

We use Zivver to send our emails.

Zivver is a service which can be used by everyone to exchange information in an easy and secure way.

How you can access a securely sent message

If you have received an email from us via Zivver you can open it by clicking the blue link that says ‘Open message’. To access the message, you have to insert a code.

We may have already sent you a code.  If not you will be automatically sent one in an email or a text message to your phone.

Insert this code to open the secure message.

How to respond to an email that was sent via Zivver

You read the message that was sent via Zivver on a secure web page. If you want to respond to the message, you can do so on this page. Click ‘Reply’. You can type your message in the editor window. You can also add attachments if needed using the ‘Add attachments’ (paper clip) button. Click ‘Send’ to send your reply. When the recipient of your message responds, you will receive another notification message.

Inform us of changes in your email address and phone number!

It is very important that you immediately inform us of changes in your email address or mobile phone number. That way, we can keep communicating securely with you. Please inform your contact within NIPSO when such changes occur.

More about Zivver

Zivver allows you to send emails and exchange files securely. Zivver encrypts messages with sensitive content, such as personal data, files, reports, or other information you want to send securely. If you send a message via Zivver, it is guaranteed to be safe. This means that no one but the sender and the recipient have access to the message. Additionally, Zivver uses smart technologies to prevent users from sending sensitive information to the wrong recipient.

Further information

For more information on how we keep your information secure, please read our Privacy Policy.

For more information about Zivver, please see Zivver.com.

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