0800 34 34 24
Information about our organisation
Financial statements, governance reports, performance reports.
Strategic Plans, minutes of meetings, our Principles.
Comments people have sent us following our investigation into their complaints.
Tell us about your unresolved complaint.
Advice on how to complain to a public body and what to do if you remain unhappy at the end of the process.
Information about our assessments and investigations
How to make a complaint about NIPSO
Resources to help public bodies understand our role
Information on our work to create Model Complaints Handling Procedures for public bodies
Investigations into complaints from the public
Investigations we've launched on our own initiative
Resources to help users experiencing vulnerability
Ombudsman Principles, Case Digests, Bulletins and more
In data protection law people have a ‘right of access’ to information held about them by public bodies. This is known as a subject access request (SAR).